How wonderful it is that we need not wait a single moment before starting to change the world. -- Anne Frank

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A summer rite of passage

Yesterday I drove past a little boy with a sign: "Drive-Through Lemonade." Pretty clever, I thought. Especially since he was stationed at one of the very few stop lights in our residential neighborhood. Red lights sure to bring in customers on a hot summer day.

How many of you remember having a lemonade stand? I certainly do. We didn't live on a very busy street, but we caught the attention of a few passers-by; sometimes our customers were dads driving home from work, or neighbors or the mailman. I think of my mom, keeping an eye out for supplies running low, helping us count our change. We maybe made one or two bucks, but hey! It was enough to buy candy, or gum or some other treat. Spending money, earned fair and square. The world of commerce was a snap!

A summer lemonade stand seems to me to be a rite of passage for American youth, and I was thrilled to see that enterprising little boy yesterday. It made me feel like some things never change.

But now, when I wax nostalgic for "the good old days," I can't help but think of our kids in Addis Ababa. They don't have the luxury of selling anything for spare change, for there is nothing to sell. There is no such thing as "spending money," and treats like chewing gum are the farthest thing from their minds.

If they are out on the street, it's serious business. Any money gleaned from passers-by is used to buy dinner. For the whole family. If they're lucky.

In Africa's second-poorest country, food is not provided in the schools. If you are as poor as the kids in the Keteme neighborhood it comes down to this simple choice: you can get an education or you can eat.

Once again, I give thanks for our generous sponsors and donors. Without your help, the kids at Fresh and Green Academy would be out there on the streets begging. Hoping against hope to come home with something for mom to use to feed the family. Your support is saving lives.

Thank you for being a friend.