How wonderful it is that we need not wait a single moment before starting to change the world. -- Anne Frank

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why Africa? Why Now?

I see a lot of comments on news stories where people express the sentiment that Americans should be helping in America first; they wonder why we would devote time and money to people in other countries. It's a valid question, and one that has no easy answer. My heart breaks for the recent victims of the Boston bombings, and countless other problems in the United States, big and small: homelessness, animal cruelty, senseless violence ... the list goes on and on. And like most Americans, I do what I can to help out: it's in our nature to be generous to those in need.

A few friends who have just started to read my blog ask me if I've been to Kotebe and the answer is yes, three times. Why Africa and why this particular part of Africa, a continent with so much need?

Well, one reason is because I am able to go to Ethiopia at a discount; my husband works for the airlines. I would feel remiss if I wasn't able to use this great gift of travel to do something so important. And that's the crux of the matter. I choose to help because of Muday Mitiku. She has devoted her life to uplifting the residents of Kotebe. Ethiopia is Africa's second poorest country, and Kotebe is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Addis Ababa.

Not one penny is wasted and the work she is doing is so vital. Even the walls of the school are put to use, an ongoing reminder of lessons Muday would like the students to remember.

As my dad used to say: "Try to find just one little thing, and make it right." It's my hope that I can convey the intensity of the need, the desire of the people of Kotebe to have just a tiny slice of the pie. Their piece will never be as big as ours is, but in Kotebe, Muday, with your help, is making progress. And so I blog, and raise funds, and hope to go as often as I can. So, please, tell your friends, spread the word, because in that way, you too are finding just this one little thing that you can make right.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Through African Eyes

Xenophobia. It means fear of that which is foreign or strange. And it seems that everyone in the world has a touch of it. As Americans, we love the "red, white and blue," as well we should. Many of our friends and relatives (mine included) have fought under its banner. Our flag inspires us to be the best we possibly can; it embodies all that we feel we love about our country: landing on the moon, our independence, our generosity and countless other things about this, our amazing, free and brave homeland.

That being said, it's pretty easy for Americans to believe that we are the sole greatest country on earth. As David Sedaris says in Me Talk Pretty One Day:

"It's startling to realize that other countries have nationalistic slogans of their own, none of which are "We're number two!"
Funny. And poignantly true. Ethiopians believe the "green, yellow and red" are the embodiment of all that is great in their culture. And well they should. As the only country on the continent that was never colonized, the "green, yellow and red" of the Ethiopian flag were adopted as the "pan-African" colors. You'll see these colors in many of Africa's flags.
The reason this blog is in African colors is to pay tribute to all that is wonderful about the Ethiopian spirit. Through "African Eyes" as it were. Without meaning to proselytize, it would be a mistake for Americans to think that national pride is the exclusive province of Americans. It's everywhere. And Ethiopia, a country of 78+ million people with 83 languages and more than 200 dialects, is proud of its heritage, and rightfully so.

It's my hope to portray all that is great about Ethiopia and the Ethiopians and America and Americans without delving into politics, religion or other areas in which countries may disagree.Thanks for reading!

New Shoes Bring Big Smiles

Shoes. For many Americans, they're not just a necessity, they're an obsession: buying the latest fashion in dress shoes, the latest and greatest gym shoes, work shoes, summer sandals, winter boots ... some have closets devoted exclusively to their shoes.

It's kind of difficult to imagine never having had a new pair of shoes in your whole life. But for the 111 students at Fresh and Green Academy, that was exactly the case. Until last April. A group of volunteers chipped in and gave Muday enough money to buy each student a new pair of shoes.

Nice, sturdy lace-up shoes that will help them negotiate the steep, rocky trails almost all of them have to follow to go back and forth to school. The kids were ecstatic to get the new footwear, shouts of "Addis chamma!" ("New shoes!") rang out across the school yard. Just check out the giant smile on third-grader Bogale Kumela!

Of course, being kids, they're going to outgrow them. If you would like to help fund future shoe purchases for the students, please feel free to contact me at Thanks!

Meet Muday Mitiku

In Amharic, the word "muday" means a tiny container full of treasures. Muday certainly embodies her name. Standing at all of four-and-a-half feet tall, she is a dynamo of energy and light. Whether she is running around the school grounds or leading us to one of the mother's homes, it is difficult to keep up with her. She runs as if there is no time to waste and not enough hours in the day. The women, children and families of Kotebe could not have a better, or more devoted advocate, for truly she is working miracles: feeding and educating 111 children age three to third grade; running a cooperative for the mothers so that they can earn funds and become financially independent; teaching classes in hygiene and child-raising; and always, always looking for ways to better the lives of those around her. All this while caring for her six-month old daughter Shanti, her four-year-old daughter, Leah, her adopted son Yabsira and her wonderful and supportive husband, Anteneh (at right).

Anteneh is a surveyor. Together with Muday's income as an elementary school principal, they probably could afford to live in one of the middle-class neighborhoods of Addis Ababa. But they choose to live in Kotebe, on the grounds of the school in a two-room house with their bathroom accessible around the corner. (In fact, until last year the bathroom did not have running water; it was simply a hole in the ground. Thanks to some generous donations, it now has a full toilet, sink, bathtub and shower.)

Here is a picture of Muday and Anteneh's house. Looks can be deceiving: the door on the side of their building is the front entrance, and the door to the right of the yellow flower is the bathroom and also accesses separate space for a bedroom for Yabsira and some additional storage space. Their actual square footage on the inside of Muday's house is approximately ten feet by twenty feet for both rooms, and although it is quite nice, it would be considered impossibly small by most Americans.

Muday wants everyone to know that improving the lives of the people of Kotebe is not just a hobby, a passing fancy, or a part-time job. By living on the grounds of the school, Muday is showing her deep commitment to her community. A community she is lifting up out of hunger and poverty. She is truly one of the most inspirational people I have ever met.