How wonderful it is that we need not wait a single moment before starting to change the world. -- Anne Frank

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tag, you're it!

This is an Ethiopian version of tag. We saw it played several ways, usually one or more kids run around the inside of the circle, then they tag someone and then they run outside the circle until they "catch" the other person (usually by throwing their sweater at them). It was unique. Even though we heard the chant about a million times, we never could repeat it. But our clapping along seemed to be sufficient. And yes, we did get tagged - wish I had video of us running around the outside of the circle. It's rocky ground at 8500 feet elevation so ... to be kind I'll just say the kids didn't have that much of a challenge catching us!

P.S. Check out Kalekidan Feleke in the lower third of the video. Watch her turn and smile at the camera. What a beauty! By the way, please ignore the goofy ending, I don't have editing capability on this computer!

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